
Family & Aesthetic Medicine located in Plano, TX.

About Neurotoxins

Neurotoxins like Botox®, Xeomin®, and Dysport® have the remarkable ability to smooth away the most noticeable facial wrinkles, like frown lines and forehead furrows. Dr. Babaian & her staff provide injections of the three neurotoxins, producing results that last three to four months. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Babaian and her staff of cosmetic specialists, call the office today or connect through the online request form.

What are neurotoxins?

Botox — and two other neurotoxins, Xeomin® and Dysport® — are medical-grade forms of the botulinum toxin, naturally produced by Clostridium botulinum, a bacteria found in plants, soil, and water.

Though neurotoxins are known for causing severe health problems, medical experts have turned one of them into the world’s most popular cosmetic treatment.

When your provider injects Botox, Xeomin, or Dysport into a muscle, the neurotoxin blocks nerve signals telling the muscle to tighten. As a result, the muscle relaxes until the medication wears off.

Relaxing muscles has several medical purposes, like stopping the pain of muscle spasms. However, Botox, Xeomin, and Dysport are commonly used to treat deep facial wrinkles.

What wrinkles do neurotoxins treat?

Some facial wrinkles are caused by age-related changes, such as dehydration, thinning skin, and sun damage. Other wrinkles develop due to repeated muscle contractions as you make facial expressions.

The constant pulling on your skin leads to:

  • Frown lines
  • Crow’s feet
  • Forehead furrows
  • Bunny lines (on your upper nose)

Neurotoxins make these wrinkles disappear by relaxing the muscles.

What happens during neurotoxin treatments?

Your provider uses a thin needle and injects multiple small doses of the neurotoxin into the targeted muscles.

Whether they inject Botox, Xeomin, or Dysport depends on factors like the wrinkle’s location, the overall health of your skin, and any potential allergies. All three contain the same neurotoxin, but Xeomin lacks certain proteins, making it less likely to cause an allergic reaction.

How long will my results last from Botox, Xeomin, or Dysport?

No matter which neurotoxin you receive, it takes a few days to notice some changes. You’ll usually see full results in two weeks, with results lasting three to four months.*

Will I look natural after neurotoxin treatment?

Your provider precisely injects the neurotoxin, stopping carefully selected muscles from moving. Nearly all your facial muscles still work, which means you look natural and can show the full range of expressions and emotions.

If you’re ready to make deep wrinkles disappear, don’t wait to schedule an appointment. Connect through our online request form or call the office.

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*Individual results may vary.